Add a business for running a cross-channel advertising campaign


ak=<apikey> * (mandatory)

this is a unique identifier issued to authorised API users

bn=<business name> * (mandatory)

name of the business being added

bc=<business category> * (mandatory)

category of the business , e.g. e-commerce fashion, apparel, bags, offline merchant

cn=<contact name> * (contact name)

name of the contact person who will the point of contact

ce=<contact email> * (contact email)

email of the contact person, where all correspondence will go

Example URL<apikey>&bn=<somebusiness>&bc=<ecom>&cn=<ramsingh>&ce=<>


API Responses

404: Not Authenticated (In case the API Key is incorrect or missing)

(bid): Success (business has been added and the business id (i.e. bid returned). This id needs to be used in further communication

500: Any other error